
The main message of the degree of Mark Master Masons is the one of the observation, understanding and transcendence of human strengths and weaknesses.

The Order is universally known as the “Friendly Degree” with good reason. This may be derived from the relatively light-hearted manner in which the message is conveyed during the ceremony of “Advancement”, without losing the moral significance it contains. It may also be due to the fact that all new members are informed on the occasion of their joining the Order that: “… among Mark Master Masons you will ever find friends”.

What is
Mark Master Masonry?

The stone which the builders refused is become the headstone of the corner (Psalm 118)

Marks have been found on stones used in Ancient Egypt and elsewhere, including castles, churches and in the cathedrals of Europe built from 1100 onwards. Stained glass windows, carvings and manuscripts give us some idea of the methods of the mediaeval stone masons. Masons carved stones for ordinary building blocks, and also for decoration. It became customary for stone masons to place marks upon stones in the quarries. These Marks identified the work of a particular mason for the payment of wages, and signified that the stone was acceptable for use.

The working of the Degree can be traced back to the 1700’s, when the ceremony was included in a Craft ritual, which even today in Scotland and Ireland includes Royal Arch and Mark masonry in completing the credentials of Freemasons. Devonshire is acknowledged as the oldest Province in the order being the first to obtain its Warrant from Mark Grand Lodge in 1857. The order has continue to grow and today there are more than 1,500 Mark Lodges and over 60,000 Mark Master Masons worldwide.

Mark Masonry consists of two separate degrees―that of Mark Man and Mark Master Mason. Both are carried out in the one ceremony and it develops the theme of the Fellowcraft Freemason. The second degree of Freemasonry encourages learning, and the Mark degree instructs how that learning can be most usefully and judiciously employed for our own honour and the benefit of our fellow man. While motives may sometimes be misinterpreted, attainments underrated and reputations traduced, the Mark degree demonstrates the merits of persistence in the face of adversity, and the conviction that truth will prevail.

The Mark Degree contains many messages for the discerning man and illustrates that the wisest of men can be mistaken, that the experts are often wrong, that the weakest can display greater perseverance than the strongest, that the insignificant has the potential for distinction―and that we all have a part to play in the Building of Life. We cannot properly judge others unless we are sufficiently competent ourselves and exercise humility in the process. We must all accept responsibility for the tasks we agree to undertake and not blame others for our own shortcomings.

It is for each to put his own interpretation on the message which the Degree proclaims, but there is a firm statement that no man is beyond redemption, and the possibility of distinction is always within our grasp.


Our Lodge

The Cosmopolitan MMM Lodge No. 6 has been consecrated on the 31rdAugust 5996 A.L. in Lucerne

In Switzerland, the governing body is The National Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Switzerland  which also controls the Royal Ark Mariner degree. This is a separate degree conferred on Mark Master Masons. The Royal Ark Mariner Cosmopolitan Lodge  is “moored” to our Mark lodge and shares its number.

Our Regular Meetings are held 3 times a year on the 4th Thursday of February (Installation), May and October in the Masonic Building of Zurich, usually in the Large Temple.

Next Regular Meeting:  Thursday, 24th October 2024 at 7.30 p.m.

Meeting Schedule

Date Meeting type
Thursday, 27th February 2025 Installation Meeting
Thursday, 22nd May 2025 Advancemet
Thursday, 23rd October Advancement

Address: Lindenhof 4, 8001 Zurich (Google Maps )

Why Join
Mark Master Masonry?

You may learn further key aspects about yourself as an individual and your responsibilities to others, in essence to make your mark on life.

Brotherly love is the keystone of Mark Masonry and the friendliness of the degree is clearly seen and experienced in our Lodge rooms in the genuine warmth of welcome that is universally extended among all Mark Masons.

The lessons of the Mark Degree are presented in a ceremony that is both lively and enjoyable and requires active participation by at least nine Officers―it is full of action and surprises…

Joining the Mark Degree will not only further your knowledge in Freemasonry but will also help you to learn more about some of the symbolisms in the Craft and will connect your understanding of The Supreme Order Holy Royal Arch of Jerusalem  therefore helping to complete your journey in Craft Freemasonry. Being a Mark Master Mason is an essential qualification for attaining membership of The Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariner .

The prime qualification for admission into our Lodge is to be a Master Mason, of at least twelve months standing, in a Lodge under the Grand Lodge Alpina of Switzerland, or a Lodge under a Grand Lodge recognised by it.

As in all other Masonic Orders you will need a proposer and seconder who are members of our Lodge. Any Mark Master Mason of our Lodge can give you full information on how to be advanced in this Degree. You can also send a request for an appointment to our Secretary:


Meeting Registration

If you would like to attend to one of our meetings, you are kindly requested to register.

The following registrations are currently open (click to select):

>  81st Regular Meeting – Thursday, 27th February 6025 A.L.

>  The registration for the 81st Regular Meeting will be opened in November 2024

Please note: registration for the Festive Board at the latest 3 days before the meeting.

How to Contact Us

For any information, please contact our Secretary by e-mail:


Or by post:

Cosmopolitan MMM Lodge No. 6
Lindenhof 4
8001 Zurich

© 2020 Cosmopolitan MMM Lodge N° 6 | Disclamer | Webdesign by Webpack.ch


Next meeting: 24th October 2024


Next meeting: 27th February 2025


The main message of the degree of Mark Master Masons is the one of the observation, understanding and transcendence of human strengths and weaknesses.

The Order is universally known as the “Friendly Degree” with good reason. This may be derived from the relatively light-hearted manner in which the message is conveyed during the ceremony of “Advancement”, without losing the moral significance it contains. It may also be due to the fact that all new members are informed on the occasion of their joining the Order that: “… among Mark Master Masons you will ever find friends”.

What is
Mark Master Masonry?

The stone which the builders refused is become the headstone of the corner (Psalm 118)

Marks have been found on stones used in Ancient Egypt and elsewhere, including castles, churches and in the cathedrals of Europe built from 1100 onwards. Stained glass windows, carvings and manuscripts give us some idea of the methods of the mediaeval stone masons. Masons carved stones for ordinary building blocks, and also for decoration. It became customary for stone masons to place marks upon stones in the quarries. These Marks identified the work of a particular mason for the payment of wages, and signified that the stone was acceptable for use.

The working of the Degree can be traced back to the 1700’s, when the ceremony was included in a Craft ritual, which even today in Scotland and Ireland includes Royal Arch and Mark masonry in completing the credentials of Freemasons. Devonshire is acknowledged as the oldest Province in the order being the first to obtain its Warrant from Mark Grand Lodge in 1857. The order has continue to grow and today there are more than 1,500 Mark Lodges and over 60,000 Mark Master Masons worldwide.

Mark Masonry consists of two separate degrees―that of Mark Man and Mark Master Mason. Both are carried out in the one ceremony and it develops the theme of the Fellowcraft Freemason. The second degree of Freemasonry encourages learning, and the Mark degree instructs how that learning can be most usefully and judiciously employed for our own honour and the benefit of our fellow man. While motives may sometimes be misinterpreted, attainments underrated and reputations traduced, the Mark degree demonstrates the merits of persistence in the face of adversity, and the conviction that truth will prevail.

The Mark Degree contains many messages for the discerning man and illustrates that the wisest of men can be mistaken, that the experts are often wrong, that the weakest can display greater perseverance than the strongest, that the insignificant has the potential for distinction―and that we all have a part to play in the Building of Life. We cannot properly judge others unless we are sufficiently competent ourselves and exercise humility in the process. We must all accept responsibility for the tasks we agree to undertake and not blame others for our own shortcomings.

It is for each to put his own interpretation on the message which the Degree proclaims, but there is a firm statement that no man is beyond redemption, and the possibility of distinction is always within our grasp.

Our Lodge

The Cosmopolitan MMM Lodge No. 6 has been consecrated on the 31st August 5996 A.L. in Lucerne

In Switzerland, the governing body is The National Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Switzerland  which also controls the Royal Ark Mariner degree. This is a separate degree conferred on Mark Master Masons. The Royal Ark Mariner Cosmopolitan Lodge  is “moored” to our Mark lodge and shares its number.

Our Regular Meetings are held 3 times a year on the 4th Thursday of February (Installation), May and October in the Masonic Building of Zurich, usually in the Grand Temple.

Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, 27. February 6025 A.L. at 7.30 p.m.

Meeting Schedule:

Date Meeting type
Thursday, 27th February 2025 Installation Meeting
Thursday, 22nd May 2025 Advancemet
Thursday, 23rd October Advancement

Address: Lindenhof 4, 8001 Zurich (Google Maps )

Why Join
Mark Master Masonry?

You may learn further key aspects about yourself as an individual and your responsibilities to others, in essence to make your mark on life.

Brotherly love is the keystone of Mark Masonry and the friendliness of the degree is clearly seen and experienced in our Lodge rooms in the genuine warmth of welcome that is universally extended among all Mark Masons.

The lessons of the Mark Degree are presented in a ceremony that is both lively and enjoyable and requires active participation by at least nine Officers―it is full of action and surprises…

Joining the Mark Degree will not only further your knowledge in Freemasonry but will also help you to learn more about some of the symbolisms in the Craft and will connect your understanding of The Supreme Order Holy Royal Arch of Jerusalem  therefore helping to complete your journey in Craft Freemasonry. Being a Mark Master Mason is an essential qualification for attaining membership of The Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariner .

The prime qualification for admission into our Lodge is to be a Master Mason, of at least twelve months standing, in a Lodge under the Grand Lodge Alpina of Switzerland, or a Lodge under a Grand Lodge recognised by it.

As in all other Masonic Orders you will need a proposer and seconder who are members of our Lodge. Any Mark Master Mason of our Lodge can give you full information on how to be advanced in this Degree. You can also send a request for an appointment to our Secretary:


Meeting Registration

If you would like to attend our next meeting, you are kindly requested to register.


Go to Registration Form >


For any information, please contact our Secretary by e-mail:


Or by post:

Cosmopolitan MMM Lodge No. 6
Lindenhof 4
8001 Zurich



>   Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Switzerland 

>   Cosmopolitan Lodge No. 43 (English speaking Emulation Lodge in Zurich) 

>   Cosmopolitan RAM Lodge No. 6 (English speaking Royal Ark Mariner Lodge in Zurich) 

>  Cosmopolitan Chapter No. 7 (English Speaking Holy Royal Arch Chapter in Zurich) 

>  Masonic appendant bodies